This was a first for us, friends. We’ve never been in a delivery room, we haven’t had kids of our own yet, and we’ve never shot a birth story. This experience was incredible! Our friends, new parents. The tension and anticipation of many months and exactly 12 hours in labor culminated with such joy and certainty. Sayler was in hand and all was right. “We just had a baby!” our friend so lovingly exclaimed to the four of us in that delivery room.
It was quite a memory for us, but much more for this new family of three! Now, the have it documented to remember for years to come. What a treasure for future generations, for grand babies who get to peak into the night their mom came into the world, for anyone who wants to look back into this precious moment in time. It’s not for everyone, we know, but it’s definitely a gift these two are leaving with their legacy. Congrats, friends!
Sayler is almost here! Sweet friend celebrations.